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Online Interfaith event for Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

By 26th January 2021January 28th, 2021Current Events

Swadhinata Trust Chair adds her message to the online interfaith event for holocaust memorial day Sunday 31st January 2021 (15:00-17:00)

Nelson St Synagogue


The Tower Hamlets Interfaith Forum will be offering their reflections on the theme Be The Light In the Darkness in an online version of the event which normally takes place at the East London Central Synagogue, a purpose built shul in Nelson Street, constructed in 1923.

As it is not possible to join together this year for our interfaith event, UK Jewish Film has produced a short film to commemorate the day. The film is an opportunity for personal reflection. The film will be screened on the London Borough of Tower Hamlets YouTube channel 

This has been organised in partnership with UK Jewish Film, East London Central Synagogue, Jewish Care and Jewish East End Celebration Society.

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