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Blogger’s Project Update

By 22nd April 2019Blog, Current Projects

‘Bangladeshi Freethinkers Under Threat’ project update


Since its inception, the project has completed one important piece of work, an online and paper resource for bloggers and writers under threat, which was accompanied by a launch event that included representatives of the Metropolitan and local police services. Other events related to the project have also been held, including public events, a confidential legal advice session for bloggers, and a special meeting arranged between six bloggers and the UK Commissioner on Extremism. 


Fourteen depth interviews were undertaken with bloggers and activists facing threat and these are currently being written up as a public report and a mapping of the main threats. The Commission on Extremism has requested the use of this data and the results of the interviews in its own first report which is due to be released in June 2019. The results will also be submitted for an academic journal article and disseminated in other ways.

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