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Bangladesh @ 50: Insight 71 July Talks

By 8th July 2021Current Events

Insight 71 Talks

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Thursday 8 July at 6pm

Presentation by Syed Nahas Pasha, Janomot News Weekly

Join us online and discover 18 front page headlines from Janomot Weekly Newspaper documenting the struggles in the UK and abroad during the1971 War of Liberation.

Janomot Weekly Newspaper began publishing on 21 February 1969. It is a key communication channel for Bangladeshis who have made the United Kingdom their home. Its archive spans more than half a century. This chimes with the creation of Bangladesh as a sovereign nation in 1971. Journey through their back catalogues. Explore 18 front page headlines documenting the struggles at home and abroad at this moment in time.

The 35 minute presentation will be followed by a Q&A facilitated by Nathan Ritchie, and is a chance to see the headlines and images that made the front pages fifty years ago, as well as the backstories behind them.

This is part of the Bangladesh@50 celebrations. This Insight 71 talk is delivered in partnership with Tower Hamlets Council, Loughborough University’s MMPI Project (Migrant Memories and the Post-colonial Imagination), Queen Mary University of London – School of English & Drama and Janomot Weekly Newspaper.


Bangladesh@ 50 : Insight 71 July talks

This July, Tower Hamlets Council are hosting 3 online talks with Brick Lane Circle, Swadhinata Trust and Janomot as a continuation of our Insight 71 programme, and part of the Bangladesh@50 celebrations. Dates and times are as follows:

Thursday 1 July, 6pm

Brick Lane Circle presents ‘March 1971: The Impending Disaster and the crossing of the Rubicon’

This talk explores how the seminal events of 1971 were covered by the British press and the crucial role that the media played.

Book your free ticket here

Thursday 8 July, 6pm

Janomot Weekly Newspaper presents ‘Janomot Front Page Headlines from 1971’

This talk will browse through 18 headlines and images that made the front pages fifty years ago, as well as the backstories behind them. Discover how this weekly newspaper documented the struggles in the UK and abroad during the1971 War of Liberation.

Book your free ticket here

Thursday 22 July, 6pm

Swadhinata Trust presents ‘The Road to Independence and the contribution from Tower Hamlets’

This talk will delve into the historical context of Bangladesh’s fight for independence, They examine the wider timeframe from the Partition of India in 1947 to the recognition of Bangladesh by Great Britain in 1972.

Book your free ticket here

This programme is delivered in partnership with Loughborough University’s MMPI project (Migrant Memories and the Post-colonial Imagination) and Queen Mary University of London, School of English & Drama.


Please do spread the word to your networks.

Notice: once you have registerd, you will receive your zoom webinar link 2 hours prior to the event starting.



One Comment

  • That was a very good presentation last night!
    22 July 2021
    Congratulations to you, Ansar and Swadhinata for putting it together – it was just the right level and balance of history, images and anecdote.

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