Bengali Studies & Reports

Numerous studies on the UK Bengali community have been carried out by various academics and professionals. Below is a selection of papers. Please note that Swadhinata Trust may not necessarily share the views shown in external links from this site.

The Bangladeshi community in the UK exhibits high childhood vaccination uptake for several vaccines, including measles, mumps and rubella compared with several ethnic groups. This study explored key enablers for early childhood vaccination uptake among the Bangladeshi community in East London, UK Published in the BMJ Public Health Journals authored by Ifra Ali, NIHR Doctoral, Research Fellow, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick.


A series of books on East End by author Mayar Akash:

  1. Re-awakening – Re-Awakening by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  2. Politicians of Tower Hamlets – Tower Hamlets Bangladeshi Politicians’ Reference Book 1982-2018 by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  3. Tide of change – Tides of Change – Snapshots of 1993-94 by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  4. Young Voice – Young Voice by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  5. Brick & Mortar – mortar/paperback/product-24160715.html
  6. Vigil Sabotaged – Vigil Subotaged by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  7. British Sylheti Chronicle – Chronicle of Sylhetis of United Kingdom by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  8. Bangladeshi Fish – Bangladeshi Fishes Basic Guide by Mayar Akash (Paperback) — Lulu GB
  9. Sylheti Identity Books Sylheti Identity Books
  10. LBTH Bangladeshi Politicians 1982-2017 LBTH Bangladeshi Politicians 1982-2017
  11. Let’s Learn Bengali Let’s Learn Bengali
  12. British Bangladeshis –  Alexander Lidher 
  13. Bangladeshi immigrants’ British Bangladeshis Alexander Lidher 2024 2021_MigrationLetters_Mantovan

Constitution of Identity of Diasporic Figures in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane:

Political Islam and The Elections in Bangladesh:

Religious extremism and nationalism in Bangladesh:

Elastic Orthodoxy: The Tactics of Young Muslim Identity in the East End of London (2013):

New Ethnicities among British Bangladeshis and Mixed Heritage Youth:


Genetics, religion and identity: a study of British Bangladeshis:

Representing British Bangladeshis in the Global City: Authenticity, Text and Performance:

2013 Imagining a Muslim Diaspora in Britain? Islamic Consciousness and Homelands Old and New p.34f (The New Muslims, Runnymede Trust):

Labour market experiences of young UK Bangladeshi men: Identity, inclusion and exclusion in inner-city London:

Link to the review:

35 years on – due to be released 2020

Altab Ali – will be released 2020

Here the Report of Bangladeshi People:

Bangladeshi Muslim (PDF 612KB)

New Ethnicities Bangladeshis Mixed Report (PDF 1.58MB)

What kind of languageservices (PDF 509KB)

Bengali Articles

This is a summary of findings from a research project entitled “Contours of the ethnic welfare state in London and Los Angeles” by Dr Geoff DeVerteuil, School of Geography, University of Southampton.

Bangladesh’s Quest for Closure. Can the execution of Mujib’s assassins finally deliver the country from its darkest chapter? By Salil Tripathi

A Global Commodity within a Rising Empire: The History of Bengali Raw Silk as Connective Interplay between the Company Bahadur, the Bengali Local Economy and Society, and the Universal Italiam Model, c.1750-c.1830 by Roberto Davini, European University Institute, Florence, February 2008

Words and violence: militant Islamist attacks on bloggers in Bangladesh and the UK

Brick Lane, Curry and Covid-19 | South Asia@LSE by Dr Seán Carey

Bengali Music and Musicians in the UK Oral History Project by Harding V and Begum J

Remembering World War One’s Army of Bengali Workers by Ansar Ahmed Ullah

Brick Lane in danger of losing its spice? By Sean Carey of The Guardian

To The Everest by Farhana Urmee of The Daily Star

Bengali Lunch

Fundamentalism and the ‘faith industry’ in Tower Hamlets, by Ansar Ahmed Ullah, May 2014

Taking stock: Respect, SWP and Islamist politics in Tower Hamlets, by Jamil Iqbal and Richard Phillips

Travel article: Lured by the Beach Side of a Beleaguered Land in Bangladesh, by Jeff Koyen, December 2006

An Emotional Return to Bangladesh — After 43 Years, by Bernard-Henri Levy, December 2014

From Brick Lane to Bengali Avenue by Gareth Potts, February 2015, DVoice, Detriot, Michigan, US

The Bengal Famine: How the British engineered the worst genocide in human history for profit by Rakhi Chakraborty, August 2014