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Altab Ali Day 2019

The Altab Ali Story returns!

Schools tours this coming May 2019 in Tower Hamlets.

Dates are as follow:

Wednesday 1 May

Venue: George Green Secondary School

Performance time: 11am + 20 min Q & A

Thursday 2 May

Venue:  Brady Arts Centre

1st Performance: 10.30am + 15min Q& A

2nd performance: 2.00pm + 15min Q& A

Friday 3 May

Venue:  Brady Arts Centre

1st Performance: 10.30am + 15min Q& A

2nd performance: 2.00pm + 15min Q& A

If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kazi Ruksana Begum
Arts Development Officer
Brady Arts & Community Centre, 192 – 196 Hanbury Street, London E1 5HU

Tel: 020 7364 7906     Brady Centre Reception: 020 7364 7900

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